2022-12-04 12:41:23

The Personality Profile of a Sex Doll owner

A study of the data revealed that there were hardly any distinctions between men who have sex dolls as well as those who do not. The study found that the men who own sex toys are more likely old and divorced or separated. They also had a higher likelihood to think of women as inaccessible or difficult to comprehend.

Additionally, owners of sex dolls are more inclined than counterparts to feel a sense of entitlement to sexuality and view women as sexual objects. However they also reported less desire to behave aggressively towards women and, in general they had more emotional stability than non-owners.

Harper and co-workers point out that the differences in personality in owners and those who are not owners was relatively small. Instead, what appeared to distinguish between the different groups were their experiences with romance. The owners of sex doll tend to be "unlucky when it came to the love of their lives." They'd struggled with in finding or keeping an intimate partner or they'd been hurt by death of one. Therefore, they'd turned to the mini sex doll for a more secure alternative.

In the end the data suggest a positive outlook towards the ownership of cheap sex dolls, given that it allows men who aren't married an opportunity to sexually release. Although it's true that doll owners were more likely to feel they were entitled to have their sexual desires satisfied, they weren't doing it by coercing women into doing so and instead, choosing to use teen sex dolls instead.

カテゴリ:flat chested sex doll 
  • 名前:al
  • ニックネーム:doll
  • 住所:無回答
  • 性別:無回答
  • 誕生日:1904-03-01
  • 血液型:無回答
  • 投資歴:無回答